Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Differentiated professionals in the job market

 5 characteristics of differentiated professionals in the job market

 What are the main characteristics of differentiated professionals? This is one of the questions asked by those who want to succeed in their careers. 

 The truth is that there is no exact formula that leads a professional to stand out and be successful. However, today HR managers and researchers in the area are able to mention some characteristics that the best professionals, in general, have in common. Read on and check out 5 of them!


 Proactivity is the competence that drives a search for change spontaneously, without needing external stimuli.

 Differentiated professionals are proactive people. They have a good vision of the future, they are able to identify needs and anticipate a problem, which brings many advantages to the place where they work.  


 Being committed at work is much more than fulfilling your workload and carrying out your activities. It means striving to honor your commitments and adopting favourable attitudes for the company's growth. It is about being truly involved, being active and participatory with the projects, proposing possibilities for improvement and increase of results and, mainly, taking actions according to the goals and objectives pursued.


 Adaptability is the ability to adapt to different situations. It is one of the competencies of emotional intelligence.

 Differentiated professionals have adaptability, as they are able to maintain the balance of emotions even in the face of adversity.

 Critical thinking

 Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, reflectively and independently, and to understand the logical connection between ideas. In essence, it is the ability to reason and learn actively, rather than just being a passive receiver of information.

 Today, more than ever, organizations need employees and managers with this skill.


 Self-motivation is the ability you have to look to yourself for reasons or stimuli to achieve your goals.

 Self-motivated professionals know very well where they want to go professionally and, therefore, they wake up willing to work to deliver everything on time and achieve that feeling of mission accomplished.


Posted by: John Labunski

Executive Management Course advantages

 Executive Management Course: 5 advantages.

 Vocational courses are fast and focused on qualification for the job market, so they are excellent options for those who want to take the first steps towards financial independence.

 Still don't know what to study? Check now 5 advantages of the Executive Administration course.


 In the Executive Administration course, the student learns everything a company needs to be able to function. Therefore, upon completing this training, he is well prepared to venture into the world of entrepreneurship .

 Broad training

 One of the great advantages of studying Executive Administration is the possibility of having contact with several areas , such as Mathematics, HR, Social Sciences, Portuguese Language, Law, etc. This baggage is essential for the professional to exercise his career in an exemplary way. As he has a broad domain over various sectors, the administrator also has more security to carry out activities and obtain good results.

 High Employability

 The Executive Management course prepares professionals to work in different areas of a company, such as Human Resources, Financial Management, Quality Control, Logistics, Sales, Marketing, among others. As it is a comprehensive course , it makes it easier to get a job.

 Career flexibility

 Nowadays, it is quite common to see professionals changing careers. And there's nothing wrong with that, because people change, and there's nothing more natural than wanting to try new things.

 As already mentioned, the Executive Management course is very comprehensive and gives professionals the possibility to work in several areas . For this reason, having this course in your curriculum makes a career transition much easier.

 Good pay

 Compensation is a detail that everyone cares about, isn't it? In the case of management professionals, the answer is good. The salary of these professionals is usually good, but obviously it depends a lot on the size of the company.

 How to take a professional course in Executive Management?

 You will find the most complete professional course in Executive Management. With responsibility, we prepare students for the exercise of various administrative functions within companies.

 Our professional course was developed for all those who seek knowledge to develop as an administrator and stand out in the job market.

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John Labunski - 3 tips time of the interview

 3 tips to overcome shyness at the time of the interview

 Job interviews are synonymous with stress and pressure for many people. Overall, people just don't feel very comfortable when they're being evaluated.

 However, for the shy, this situation is even more challenging. If the person is already shy by nature, can you imagine how they feel when they know someone is watching them?

 The first thing you need to get your head around is that shyness is not a fault. Second, there are some things that can be done to make the shy person feel a little more comfortable and confident at the time of the interview, and that's exactly what we're going to talk about in today's text.

 The more confident you are in your abilities, the less shy you will appear in the interview. And one of the best things you can do to earn that confidence is to practice with a friend or family member. The important thing is that someone is able to give you honest feedback.

 On the internet, it is quite easy to find examples of frequently asked questions in job interviews. Find these questions and rehearse how to answer them until you start to feel comfortable. It may seem strange, but this is what a shy person needs to feel relaxed and not nervous at the time of the interview.  

 Be honest in the interview

 It is not necessary that you try to mask your characteristics at the time of the interview, especially shyness. Trying to come across as an extroverted person puts a lot of pressure on you, which prevents things from flowing naturally.

 Keep in mind that the interviewer is just a professional looking to do their job of selecting the best candidate for the job, and regardless of whether you are shy or not, you can be that person.

 Pay attention to body posture

 Proper body posture will help you feel more confident. In addition, she will also ensure that you make a good first impression.

 · Speak firmly.

 · Sit with an upright posture, without slouching or hiding in the chair.

 · Do not stand idly by. Move your hands, but without exaggeration.

 Confused about how to do an interview? Contact!

 Posted by: John Labunski Dallas

4 ways to gain motivation to study

 You want to improve your CV, learn new skills, and for that reason you decide to enroll in a course.

 However, just attending the course is not enough. To really be successful you need to study regularly. The problem is the lack of motivation to do so. With all the day-to-day tasks, sitting down to study ends up demanding too much of your effort.

 Want to know how to gain motivation to study? Be sure to continue reading this text.

 Find out why you are procrastinating

 Procrastination is a complex problem that can have many causes. Here are some of the most common:

 · You have convinced yourself that you are not capable enough to learn.

 · You have the belief that studying, although necessary, is always boring.

 · You are always looking for the perfect time to start.

 Investigating and understanding the reasons for your procrastination is essential to increase your motivation to study.

 Create a study routine

 Creating a study routine improves your learning and brings other numerous benefits, such as more discipline, organization, focus, concentration and even more motivation.

 When you have an established study routine, it takes less effort to pick up notebooks and study. In addition, as you realize that you are reaping better results, your motivation will only increase. 

 Read more other information: Garage Door Repairs Sydney

 Create reward plans

 Dedication is very important to achieve our goals, but the balance between work and leisure is essential. If you fulfill the plan within the expectations, create rewards that will give you joy.

 For example, think of something you would like to do on the weekend, such as going to the beach, visiting friends, going to the movies, taking time to read or catch up on series, among other activities. When you combine studies with moments of pleasure, you are more willing and motivated to learn and retain information.

 Take care of your health

 Your health should always come first. It's no use staying sleepless nights to be able to study more.

 Try to maintain a balanced diet, practice physical exercises and sleep with quality. No person with a tired mind will find motivation and strength to overcome their own limits. It is important to take time to take care of yourself.

 With an organized routine, it is much easier to meet daily goals and prepare well.

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Posted by: John Labunski Dallas

Step by step to create a business plan

 The smartest entrepreneurs are constantly looking for ways to reduce the risk of their investments. Through the business plan, the topic of today's blog, it is possible to carefully plan and visualize a venture, significantly increasing its chances of success.

 What is a business plan?

 The business plan is a document that contains everything about the business you want to start. Its objective is to reduce risks and uncertainties, as well as analyze the feasibility of the enterprise.

 By carrying out this structured planning, it is possible to obtain more information about the field, products and services of your business idea. That way, you will have more basis to answer the question: “is it worth going with this idea or not?”

 Keep in mind that uncertainties will always exist. Having a 100% guarantee of success is not achievable. However, the better prepared you are at the time of starting your venture, the greater your chances of achieving the desired results.

 Step-by-step process for creating a business plan

 It is presented in the first section of the plan; however, it must be the last thing to be written. The executive summary is a summary of the most relevant points contained in the business plan, and it is necessary, from it, to obtain an overview of what the enterprise is and its viability. It must include: business concept, financial characteristics and current commercial position.

 Read more other information: Garage Door Repairs Sydney

 Technical aspects

 This part of the business plan should cover: presentation of the enterprise, logo, layout, human resources, organizational structure, technical training of the team, mission, vision, values, objectives, detailed description of products and services and a detailed description of the production process.

 The technical aspects are the essence of the enterprise. From there, it should be possible to identify the type of activity that the business will carry out, how it will perform it, its value proposition and where it wants to go.

 Market analysis

 Here are covered: consumer market analysis, supplier market analysis, competitor market, strategic planning, SWOT analysis, critical success factors, marketing and market research application results. 

 Knowing the weaknesses and strengths of the business, as well as the market where it will be inserted, is essential to reduce risks . The more information that can be obtained, the more reliable will be the decision of the project to be classified as viable or not. 

 Financial analysis

 Here you should do: the estimated initial investment, depreciation of furniture and equipment, cost composition, human resources, production costs, sales price, sales projection, projection of the income statement and cash flow and, to finish, analysis feasibility of the enterprise.

 Financial analysis is extremely crucial. In it will be made a projection of the expenses and also the inflows of money , making it possible to analyze if the business is viable from the financial point of view. Another important point here is the return on investment projection, as it will tell you how long your business will be able to recover the amount invested to start it.

 Do you want to open your own business but would like to get more technical knowledge before starting it? You are not wrong to think so! The more you study and understand about administration and business, the better your chances of starting a competitive venture, capable of generating the desired returns. 


Posted by: John Labunski

Thursday, August 25, 2022

John Labunski Dallas - financial planning

 Financial Planning: A company that doesn't plan its finances? Inconceivably! A state that does not have its budget under control? Irresponsible! A private individual who does not have a long-term financial plan? The normal case!

 But why actually?

 Whether you buy a new car or save for retirement often just depends on how much money you have in your wallet at the moment.

 Unfortunately, this uncontrolled handling of one's own finances almost always ends in money worries sooner or later .

 This not only reduces the quality of life, but can also lead to mental illnesses such as depression .

 The thought of consciously dealing with your own finances has a deterrent effect on most people .

 Sure, long-term financial planning sounds difficult and complicated at first.

 You don't have to be a mathematician or a financial advisor to master your finances .

 With a little time and a calculator , anyone can create their own personal financial plan.

 Whether you are just starting your career or have already worked for 20 years:

 The best time to start financial planning is always now .

 It also doesn't matter how much money you make .

 Whether mini-jobber or multi-millionaire:

 A financial plan is always useful.

 But it is also clear:

 The lower the income, the more you benefit from good financial planning.

 Especially for larger purchases, such as a car or a residential property, many people have to resort to loans.

 At that point at the latest, detailed private financial planning is absolutely necessary .

 But if you only take care of a precise analysis of your finances in the short term, you have to expect to be negatively surprised.

 So it's particularly annoying when you realize that you can't actually afford your dream car or dream house.

 However, anyone who has long since started planning their finances for the long term is protected from such unpleasant surprises.

 How does private financial planning work?

 In private financial planning, the same methods are used as those used by companies or public budgets.

 A private household is financed primarily by income, which can be composed of income from work, capital income or transfer income.

 In addition, there are savings or any existing assets.

 This individual financial situation is the basis of private financial planning .

 With private financial planning, yours comes first

 ·         Financial,

·         family and

·         personal starting position

·         Recorded.

 For this purpose, a private balance sheet, a private profit and loss account and a private liquidity calculation are drawn up.

 In addition to the starting position, your personal goals are also part of the financial planning.

 A financial plan gives you answers to questions like:

 Which of my goals are achievable?

 What do I have to change in order to achieve my goals?

 Without financial planning, it is more risky

 At the same time, good financial planning should also take future risks into account.

 This includes short-term loss of earnings due to unemployment as well as potentially life-threatening events such as liability claims or disability.

 Financial planning is not only there to examine the current financial situation.

 It should also take into account future developments and changes .

 Comprehensive financial planning therefore includes long-term planning for stages in life such as training, career and retirement.

 Especially in times of increasing poverty in old age , it is important not only to keep an eye on the short-term future.

 Those who take care of long-term planning of their finances in good time not only save themselves a lot of worries, but above all ensure that they can enjoy their retirement with dignity .

 In addition to professional aspects, financial planning also plays an important role in leisure activities.

 With a financial plan, you can calculate a leisure budget that you can use as you please.

 Gone are the days when spontaneous purchases were associated with a bad conscience and the question of whether you could actually afford it. With a clear leisure budget, you can enjoy your free time carefree.

 Conclusion: Private financial planning is essential

 The thought of private financial planning may seem daunting at first glance.

 In fact, there are so many benefits to a long-term financial plan that it would be irresponsible not to delve into them.

 A lack of knowledge is not an insurmountable obstacle.

 If you need help or tips to get started, you can easily find them on relevant websites, in specialist literature or in professional advisory services.

 A private financial plan helps you to plan your life, your career and your free time.

 It offers important decision-making support and ensures that you always have control over your finances.

 Above all, long-term financial planning can protect you from financial risks such as over-indebtedness and poverty in old age .

 At the same time, it ensures that you are better prepared against the effects of unforeseen events, such as unexpected back payments, unemployment or disability.


Posted by: John Labunski Dallas

John Labunski - worst accumulation plan of your life

When it comes to financial planning, we often talk about goals and needs, financial or life, that you want to achieve with your wealth.

I am convinced that there is one that unites all of them, a kind of minimum result that every investor must aspire to: keep their money safe from inflation. Even if we come from years of low inflation this has not disappeared, and recently it is reviving new glories.

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of our money over time, it is the certainty of accruing a constant loss year over year.

Also in finance we often hear about PAC, an acronym for Capital Accumulation Plan. It means investing a sum of money constantly over time and with a predefined frequency. For example, it is rightly considered the main tool for those who want to build a wealth starting from a small monthly savings. Give up on petty expenses today to afford a bigger expense in the future.

Have they ever proposed you a CAP? Have you ever signed up for one?

Even if you don't know it, you probably have one: the worst accumulation plan of yours. It is an accumulation plan of which we are unaware underwriters.

The name of the worst pac of your life is called a checking account.

Think about it: the monetary fruit of our work ends up in a current account and often, removed what we spend, there it lies and accumulates, in fact. Here, this is the worst accumulation plan of your life. Because? The first danger of the money that remains in the account is, pardon the banality, to spend it. Don't get me wrong, you save up to spend a day and each of us has the right to have an adequate quality of life. Experience, however, leads me to say that often seeing the money immediately available pushes us to unnecessary expenses, precluding more important objectives. The big goal, personal or professional, can sometimes be precluded by a series of unnecessary expenses incurred in the past. The second worst cap danger of your life is the 0 rate. In fact, below zero! No return on the current account balance,

What to do? My advice is to start with a serious analysis of your financial flows and your planned expenses for the future. From here you can get a concrete idea of ​​how much it is worth accumulating in the current account and how much to allocate to efficient tools aimed at generating value and maintaining the purchasing power of your money over time.


Read also: John Labunski

Differentiated professionals in the job market

  5 characteristics of differentiated professionals in the job market   What are the main characteristics of differentiated professionals?...